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GMCC is accepting nominations for the IBL Awards 2017



MIAMI, FL.– The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce announced today that the deadline to complete the online application for the International Business Leadership Awards has been extended until March 31, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.

This prestigious program recognizes and honor businesses and individuals engaged in international activities, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, that significantly impact the economy of the state of Florida.


To qualify for any of the categories of the Awards, the following  two criteria must be satisfied:

1. The nominee must be engaged in international business or in activities that promote international business development;


2. The nominee must be able to establish that its activities provide beneficial impact on the Florida economy either by being based in Florida or by conducting significant business within or through the state of Florida.

Also, the GMCC informed that self-nominations are accepted, all nominations must include all the required information and must be completed online.

The IBL Award’s categories are:

BEST NEW BUSINESS recognizes start-up businesses or newly established divisions of existing business (operating less than five years) that have jumped onto the scene with a new product or service offering.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY honors businesses committed to philanthropic giving, community involvement and community outreach in a discipline outside the organization’s normal business functions and has successfully implemented corporate social responsibility standards and best practices.

INNOVATIVE PRACTICES recognizes companies making substantial and impactful changes in thinking, products or processes that directly impact international operations.

INTERNATIONAL ATTORNEY honors a Florida licensed attorney for outstanding achievements within the field of international law.

INTERNATIONAL CEO honors an outstanding chief executive whose accomplishments and professional contributions to the international business community are recognized as motivational, inspirational, and transformational.

To apply, click here

For more information contact Ms. Geraldine Gonzalez, 305-577-5486 or

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